Aadhaar is a Hindi word which means support in English. It is similar to its meaning as it’s the base of the identity of every citizen of India and provides support. Aadhaar is a unique identification number given to every resident of India. It contains the biometric and demographic data of the resident. It is one of the most important documents as it is proof of your identity and addresses anywhere in India. The Aadhaar card, due to its features, helps the Government to reach directly to its residents for the payment of subsidies, benefits and other services using the individual’s Aadhaar number only. The introduction of Aadhaar card is one of the key pillars of the “Digital India” movement launched by the Government of India as the card allows you to do many online transactions with ease.
What is an Aadhaar Card?
Aadhaar Card is a card which contains a 12 digit unique identification number of an individual. The biometric and demographic data of an individual, like date of birth, address, email ID, phone number etc., are collected by the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) and the data is then recorded in the Aadhaar card. The card, therefore, contains all the details of an individual at one place and can be used for identification and authentication purposes.
An Indian resident can voluntarily enrol himself/herself to get an Aadhaar card irrespective of age or gender. The card can also be availed for children and new-born babies. Aadhaar is considered to be the world’s largest biometric identification system. The enrolment for Aadhaar card is free of cost. Its uniqueness is that it removes duplicates and fake identities.
Importance of Aadhaar
Aadhaar is the most important document which serves as a proof of identity, proof of address and also proof of age. In many cases the Aadhaar card becomes compulsory to avail Government services like subsidies and grants. Aadhaar is also useful for opening a new bank account without elaborate paperwork or to do transactions of INR 50000 and above by an old account holder. Aadhaar is also compulsory for filing Income tax returns. There is no compulsion of linking Aadhaar with financial services like bank account, mutual fund etc. but it is compulsory to link PAN (Permanent Account Number) with Aadhaar. For applying for a new PAN card, submitting an Aadhaar number is also mandatory. Aadhaar is also useful to do other financial transactions instantly as the document can be used as an all-inclusive KYC document for individuals.
Why was the Aadhaar card introduced?
The main aim of Aadhaar was to give a single identification number or document which would contain all the details of the resident. It aimed to eliminate duplicate and fake identities and also to verify and authenticate identities in an easy and cost free manner. With each resident holding an Aadhaar card in his/her name, the Government aimed to provide a unique identity through which the individual can be identified easily.
How to enrol for an Aadhaar card?
You can enrol for an Aadhaar by visiting any of the permanent enrolment centres of Aadhaar. These permanent enrolment centres have been authorized by the UIDAI to collect the data of individuals and record such data so that an Aadhaar card can be issued. When you visit any permanent enrolment centre of UIDAI you just need to fill up an Aadhaar Enrolment Form providing your details like your name, address, age, gender, father’s or spouse’s name, etc. Your biometric details are then recorded by the executives at the enrolment centres. These details include your fingerprints of all ten fingers, your photograph and the scan of your iris. Once the form is submitted and the biometric data recorded, the application process is completed. UIDAI then verifies your details and allots a unique Aadhaar number. The Aadhaar card is then printed by the UIDAI and sent to you through speed post.
What is verification of Aadhaar card?
Before you use your Aadhaar number for verification and authentication purposes you should make sure that the number is valid and that it contains your details. This checking is called verification of Aadhaar. Thus, when you verify Aadhaar you check whether your Aadhaar card is valid and active.
What Aadhaar details can be verified?
You can verify Aadhaar number, your email ID registered in Aadhaar database and the mobile number which you have recorded in your application at the time of enrolling for Aadhaar.
Why should you verify Aadhaar?
Aadhaar card verification is important for the following reasons –
- When youverify Aadhaar you can find out whether your Aadhaar card would serve as a valid proof of authentication
- By verifying your Aadhaar number you can check whether the number is correct
- Once your Aadhaar is verified you can be assured that you can use the card for your income tax filing, for applying for a PAN Card or for any other financial transactions
- Once your Aadhaar number is verified the Government would be able to credit the subsidies easily to your bank account
- A verified Aadhaar ensures that there is no hassle in identifying you
How to verify Aadhaar card?
You can verify Aadhaar number through two simple means offered by the UIDAI. Both these means to verify Aadhaar are digital, meaning that you can verify Aadhaar online without having to visit the permanent enrollment centre of UIDAI. Let’s understand what these means are and the process of verifying Aadhaar under each mode –
- Verify Aadhaar through UIDAI website
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has a dedicated website which offers different types of Aadhaar related services for you online. You can verify Aadhaar through this website of UIDAI through simple steps. These steps are as follows –
- Visit the website of UIDAI which is https://uidai.gov.in/
- On the website, go the tab ‘My Aadhaar’, then go to ‘Aadhaar Services’ and then click on ‘Verify an Aadhaar Number’

- A new page would open wherein you would have to enter in your 12-digit Aadhaar card number followed by a captcha code displayed on the screen

- Then click ‘Proceed to Verify’
- If your Aadhaar number is valid you would get a message showing ‘Aadhaar Number xxxxxxxxxxxx Exists’. Moreover, your age band, gender, State and mobile number would also be shown under the message. You can verify if all the details are correct. If there is any error you can get it rectified.
- If the number that you have entered is invalid, you would be shown ‘Please enter a valid Aadhaar number’ under the line where you have entered the Aadhaar number. This would let you know whether the number that you are verifying is valid or not.

- Verify Aadhaar through mAadhaar application
UIDAI has also launched a mobile application for Aadhaar related services. This application is called mAadhaar and it can be downloaded on any Android or Apple Smartphone. So, if you have a Smartphone and an internet connection, you can download the mAadhaar mobile application on your phone and use it for different Aadhaar related services. You can also verify Aadhaar through the mAadhaar application whenever you want. The process is as follows –
- Visit Google Play Store or Apple Store and download mAadhaar application
- Open the application and link your mobile number with the application so that the OTP can be sent to your number whenever you use the application for any Aadhaar related service
- You would, then, have to register your Aadhaar card on the application before you are allowed to avail any service. To register, you would have to enter a 4-digit PIN number which would be used for accessing your Aadhaar details on the application every time you need.
- Once the PIN is created, add in your Aadhaar number manually on the application. Thereafter, an OTP would be generated and sent to your mobile number. Enter the OTP to create your profile
- Once the profile is created you can verify Aadhaar using the mobile application
- Open the application and on the home page choose ‘Verify Aadhaar’
- You would have to enter in your 12-digit Aadhaar number and a 4-digit security code displayed on the page
- Then click on ‘Submit’
- If your Aadhaar number is active you would be shown the message ‘Dear Resident This Aadhaar number is active’. Under the message your age band, gender, State and mobile number would also be shown.
- If the Aadhaar number is not active you would be shown a message ‘Invalid Aadhaar Number’ after you click ‘Submit’
Verifying email ID and mobile number
Besides verification of your Aadhaar card number you can also verify the email ID and mobile number which you have registered in the Aadhaar database. You can check these details to find out which email ID and mobile number is registered with Aadhaar. If you have multiple email IDs or mobile numbers, verifying them makes you sure of the details which have been registered with Aadhaar. So, if you have two mobile numbers, when you verify both the numbers you can find out which number has been registered with Aadhaar so that you can use that number for getting the OTP when you want to avail Aadhaar services online. The same case goes with email ID and verification of the email ID helps you find out which ID is registered with Aadhaar so that it can be used for any online Aadhaar service that you need.
How to verify email ID and mobile number in Aadhaar?
Just like you verify Aadhaar number, the mobile number and/or email ID can also be verified online using the UIDAI website or the mAadhaara application. The process is as follows –
- Verifying through UIDAI website
- Visit the website at https://uidai.gov.in/ and under ‘My Aadhaar’ go to ‘Aadhaar Services’ and choose ‘Verify Email/Mobile Number’

- A new page would open wherein you would have to enter in your 12-digit Aadhaar number and contact details. Under contact details you would have to enter either the mobile number or the email ID which you want to verify.

- There would be a captcha code which you should enter and then click ‘Send OTP’

- The OTP would be sent to the registered mobile number. Enter the OTP to verify the email ID or the mobile
- If your email ID or mobile number is verified in the Aadhaar database, you would get a message which would read ‘The email/mobile you have entered already verified with our records’. This shows that the email ID or the mobile number is registered in the Aadhaar database.
- If, however, the email or the mobile number entered is not recorded in the Aadhaar database you would get the message ‘The records you have entered does not verify with our records’.
- Verifying through mAadhaar application
- Open the mobile application on your Smartphone and choose ‘Verify Email/Mobile’
- In the next page you would be given two options which would state ‘I Want to – Verify Mobile Number, Verify Email ID’
- Choose either of the options that you want to verify
- In the next page enter in your 12-digit Aadhaar number, the email ID or mobile number that you want to verify and a 4-digit security code displayed therein.
- Click on ‘Verify’
- If the entered email ID or mobile number is recorded in Aadhaar database you would get a message ‘ Dear Resident the email ID/ mobile number you had entered has already been verified in our records’
- If the entered email ID or mobile number is not recorded in Aadhaar records you would get the message ‘ Dear Resident the email/mobile does not match with our records’
Things to remember when you verify Aadhaar
When you verify Aadhaar and other related details, here are some aspects which you should keep in mind –
- Always double check whether the Aadhaar card number which you are entering is correct or not. In case of any typo the verification would not be done
- Ensure that your mobile number is registered in Aadhaar database so that the OTP can be received whenever needed for verification
- Use a secured internet connection whenever you have to verify Aadhaar. Any unsecured network might result in data theft and cyber-crime.
- If your Aadhaar number is not verified, which is seldom the case, check with UIDAI to find if there is any error in their server or if there is any error at their end
Documents to verify Aadhaar
The verification of Aadhaar number and/or email or mobile number is an online process. It is done online using your Aadhaar number and registered mobile number. Thus, no particular documents are needed to verify Aadhaar. You should, however, keep your Aadhaar card handy to check and enter the correct Aadhaar number in the required fields so that the verification process can be done quickly and easily.
It is, therefore, quite easy to verify Aadhaar online using the UIDAI website or mAadhaar application. So, verify your Aadhaar details so that they can be used whenever needed.
You can locate the nearest enrolment centre by visiting UIDAI’s website at www.uidai.gov.in . On the website, go to ‘My Aadhaar’ and under ‘Get Aadhaar’ you would find the option ‘Locate an Enrolment Centre’. You can click on the option and find the nearest enrolment centre by entering in your PIN code or State.
If the entered Aadhaar number is incorrect you would not be able to verify it. In that case you should first check whether the number that you have entered is correct or not. If the number is correct and your Aadhaar number is still not being verified you should contact UIDAI and find out whether your Aadhaar number is valid or not.
Yes, you can verify multiple Aadhaar numbers at once either through the UIDAI website or through the mAadhaar application. You just have to enter the Aadhaar number and the captcha code to find out whether the number is valid or not.
If you have just enrolled for an Aadhaar card you would not be able to verify Aadhaar now since the UIDAI might not have issued you an Aadhaar number. It takes time for the Aadhaar number to be allotted and only when you have been allotted the number can you verify Aadhaar.